Returns and exchanges
How can I cancel an order? To cancel an order, contact, indicate the order number and explain your intention to cancel the order within a maximum period of 4 hours from receipt of the order at Beter Industries S.A.
Product warranty and return: If the product you have ordered does not meet your expectations and you want to return it, you must cover the cost of the shipping to Beter. It is important that you return it in its original packaging and in perfect condition.
If the product is defective or not the one you had requested, Beter will take care of the collection of the goods and change it for the corresponding product. In the cases where it is not possible to change the product, because it is out of stock, we will refund you the full amount of the product and shipping costs.
In all cases, the refund of the product will not be carried out until the goods have reached Beter and it has been verified that the product has not been manipulated in any way.
Product Availability: In the case of unavailability of products after the order has been recorded, we promise to inform you and let you know when you can expect to receive the order. In this case you will have the option to cancel your order and receive a refund for the amount you have paid within 15 days from the request for cancellation or to change your order by contacting Customer Service.