Steps for hair brushing

After washing and conditioning your hair with the most suitable products, eliminate excess water with a towel and detangle it gently using a wide tooth comb or a skeleton brush. Keep reading

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healthy shiny hair

Hair in prime condition produces its own natural oil that keeps it healthy. External factors such as pollution, stress and hair dye alter the hair cuticle. 

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Avoid saying: What am I going to do with this hair? In the summer, give your hair the care it deserves

To maintain its health and avoid problems of frizz, dryness, split ends etc., we have to take basic care of our hair:

Before swimming or sunbathing, we can use a good protector with specific sunscreen for hair. Avoid exposure during the times of greatest radiation from the sun and even cover your head with a hat. These are especially recommendable precautions for dyed hair.


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Beat split ends

Healthy and shiny hair, beat split ends.

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Recogido en 3 minutos. Paso a paso

Rápido y fácil de hacer. ¡Pruébalo!

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Según los expertos, no está científicamente comprobado que sea sólo en otoño cuando más se cae.

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Styling con Rulos

Dare to try a different hairstyle.

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