T&T Manicure - Pedicure

Reward your feet, before and after wearing heels.

On: 15 / 03 / 2016 Comment: 0

Feet hold all the weight of our body, work hard. Especially when we wear high heels or stilettos. And if, in addition, we spend hours climbing on them, our feet suffer and our face reflects it. So, rewarding our feet with a good rest, will allow us to return to the heels, stepping hard and with a good face. A good solution, before putting on high heels, is to place a half-stencil or non-slip gel heel, which help reduce the load on the feet and prevent movement forward.


And when it's time for "heels off", we'll start with a foot bath in hot water, to which we can add a revitalizing Romero effervescent tablet, or the refreshing Mint and Eucalyptus. Then, with dry feet, we put on the ultra moisturizing gel socks and enjoy the best sensation of relaxation! Thus, we reward our feet while they hydrate and rejuvenate. As if it were a SPA session, at home.


 Who said that to flaunt you must suffer?
