T&T Manicure - Pedicure
Steps to always have strong, healthy and beautiful nails
Steps to always have strong, healthy and beautiful nails
Do your nails break easily, split open by layers and feel brittle? Here you are several tips to help them recover their strength, shine and natural shape. In a few weeks, you will start to notice the difference.
Rediscover the beauty of your nails with Youth Color rejuvenating nail polish by Beter Nail Care
Soft feet, different ways to remove corns and callusesv
When it starts to get cold, we cover our feet up and hardly look at them again until spring. At this time of year, when temperatures drop, we can give them special care so that when the time comes to wear sandals, they are fabulous. A lot of tension builds up in our feet and pampering them with a good massage and basic care is the secret to keeping them healthy, even if it's cold:
Quick manicure: dry nail polish in seconds
How and when to cut newborn baby nails
Ten interesting facts you did not know about your nails.
Benefits of a 7 Free manicure
When we choose cosmetics, we look at the ingredients they contain and whether they adapt to our skin type and specific needs. In the case of nail polishes, we don’t always look closely at what they are made from because we believe they don’t affect our health as they are applied to the surface of the nails.
Tips to take care of your nails if you have a permanent manicure
Tips to make your manicure last longer
Making your manicure last longer IS POSSIBLE. Work, contact with water, little bumps and day-to-day life in general makes keeping our manicure intact for at least 5 days seem like an impossible dream. But do not despair, there are a series of tips and tricks that can extend the life of our manicure and which we have listed for you below:
Smooth feet with feet and roll
In a short time the Feet & Roll electronic file allows you to smooth the hardened skin of the soles of your feet and heels. Follow these three simple steps: