Making your manicure last longer IS POSSIBLE. Work, contact with water, little bumps and day-to-day life in general makes keeping our manicure intact for at least 5 days seem like an impossible dream. But do not despair, there are a series of tips and tricks that can extend the life of our manicure and which we have listed for you below:
Clean the nail with a cotton pad with acetone-free nail polish remover (this removes possible traces of nail polish and cream, leaving the surface of the nail clean to make it easier for the different layers of manicure products to adhere better).
In cuticles, it is important to apply a cuticle remover for at least one minute as this helps soften and moisturise them. We recommend the one from the Nail Care range, it has a 7-free formula and contains moisturising agents such as glycerine, D-panthenol and almond oil, among others. After this, push the cuticles towards the matrix of the nail gently with the help of an orange stick so that it is as clear as possible. If nail polish is applied on the cuticle, it will last less, so this step is very important.
Always apply a base before the polish as this prevents the colour of the polish from yellowing the nail and lengthens the duration of the polish. If you have grooved nails, your best bet is the smoothing base for grooves from the Nail Care range, which instantly unifies the surface.
Don’t forget to re-do the edges of the nail in order to seal the polish and prevent it from chipping if you bump them.

Always apply thin coats of polish. It is important that they are thin, because if they are thick, it is easier for the colour to leak out of the nail area and paint your fingers. A panoramic brush, like the one in the Nail Care Youth Color polishes, makes the process easy.
Don’t forget to re-do the edges of the nail in order to seal the polish and prevent it from chipping if you bump them.

- The last step of the manicure is the use of a top coat. This layer can be thicker than the previous ones. It is important to apply it when the colour is dry. Opt for those with a gel-effect finish, such as Plumping top coat from Nail Care, they will add more shine and volume to your nails and the finish will look professional

It is important to respect the drying time of your manicure if you do not want to have to repeat all the steps. To speed up this process you can use a drying product, such as Express Dry from the Nail Care range.
If, once you have finished your manicure, you see that you have painted a bit of nail polish on your fingers, wait until it is completely dry and put your hands in a bowl of warm water, the traces of nail polish will come off easily.
Important: Avoid hot water if the polish has not yet dried well. This could ruin your manicure, so don’t try it!
After a couple of days of having done the manicure, a new layer of top coat can be applied again to make it last longer.